April 21, 2010

2 weeks down!

So It has been 2 weeks and things are going okay. I get my stitches out on friday! I'm so excited just to soak in a bath, not being able to wash my foot two weeks I hate! I'm just trying to take everything one day at a time. After talking to the doctor last week reality set in! I have to be off it completely for 6 weeks then I can slowly start putting more and more weight on it. This is going to be the longest two months of my life for me and my mom! I going to have these crutches for a while. It is so hard not to be able to pick up my baby and carry her. I just have to keep telling myself one day at a time, one day at a time this will get easier!

April 2, 2010

If you got to do something do it right!

On Saturday I was chasing down the stairs with Caitlyn. I got to what I thought was the bottom stair and started walking normally. It turned out I wasn't at the bottom yet I had one more stair to go! I landed on my toes and bent them back and felt 2 pops! I yelled up to Nathan I need you I think I just broke my foot! It was 9:45 at night so after my grandma came to my house to stay with the girls we went to the ER (all instacares were closed at this time). So we get there and they took xrays of my foot. They came in told me I had a hair line fracture in the middle of my foot and that I need to go see a podiatrist next week. So I made a appointment for today. I go in and he looks at the xrays and says that (in a completely different place then what they said in the ER) I had broken a piece off the bone on the side of my foot and that the bones from big toe down were spread too far apart from the rest of my foot. Then he goes on to say I need surgery! They need to put a pin in my foot so I don't have even worse problems with it 5 years from now. What! I thought that all I had was a hairline fracture and now I need surgery! This sucks! So with in a week or so I have to go in for surgery and for 6 weeks I can't not walk on it! I don't know what I'm going to do I have 3 young children and 6 weeks of no walking that nearly impossible. I guess I'm going to have to actually let people help me! This is so hard for me! I guess this experience is suppose to teach me that I need others just as much as they need me!

This is the first time I have ever broken anything! So I guess if I'm going to do something I better do a great Job with it. The doctor said that if a professional athlete had gotten an injury of this type it could end his career!
Wish me luck as start on the next journey of my life!