August 28, 2010

My Kindergartner!

I cant believe that my baby has started school! She was so excited and eager to learn!

She comes home so tired hopefully next week won't be so tiring for her!

June 19, 2010

Dora and sponge Bob

Sponge Bob and Dora were at RC Willey to promote there new line of children's furniture. So grandma Jean took Caitlyn and Lydia to see them they had so much fun!

They were huge characters!

June 11, 2010

Nathan first business trip!

Nathan went to New Orleans for a week. It was such a great experience for him and he learned a lot. But we are sure glad that he is home we sure missed him! This is what he brought back for the girls from Mardi Gras world I think they are so cool Wish that he brought one back for me. J/K The girls love them!

June 8, 2010

Trip to the zoo

Nathan had to leave for week on a business trip to New Orleans so the girls and I decided we should get a membership to the zoo. It will give us something to do through out the year. Here some picture of our first trip to the zoo!

The baby elephant was so cute! They were trying to get him to come out with out his mother. He kept running out to the fence right were we were sitting then running right back inside to mom. So finally they had to bring mom back out for the show. It was so fun to watch.

Anna Love to wear hats when you first put it on her she'll just give you a big cute grin!

Lydia sharing a snow cone with grandma. She couldn't use her own spoon! Love my stubborn child! It was a cute pic though!

Anna first carousel ride she is not sure what to think!

Lydia called this the whiney bird because the sound it makes!

We had so much fun today that I can't wait to go back!

June 7, 2010

Life in the fast lane!

These last few week have been crazy so here is what has been going on!

May 31, 2010

Hard work!

We finally got my garden in the way I wanted it! We took down a bunch of trees in the corner of the yard. It took us a whole week to get it done but we got there! Now hopefully we get veggie!

This is what the corner looks like now tree less!

This is the pile of wood after we were done!

The next step is to rent a wood chipper and do our park strips!

May 25, 2010

Trip to St. George.

First we went to a graduation. Congrats Allen! He left polygamy and came to live with my mom for almost 2 years. She got him into school and on the right track. He went to live with his brothers at the end of his sophomore year and promised my mom he would stick to his schooling. He kept his promise and made it to graduation. This was awesome most boys that leave don't even go to school none the less actually graduate! WE were so proud of him! Way to go Allen. He'll be starting at Dixie college in the fall.

The next day we drove out to the grand canyon I wish I had pictures forgot my camera in the car Didn't want to walk all the way back because the ground was bumpy and kinda hurt my bad foot. But I will post picture when I get my copies from my mom.
It was just Caitlyn, Lydia, Anna, My mom, Sister Jessica and me that went but we sure had a blast!

Caitlyn's last dance show of the year!

We are very proud of Caitlyn she has improved some much this year! Good job my sweetie!

May 23, 2010

Lydia's 3rd Birthday!

We celebrated Lydie's birthday a little early this year on the Sunday before. We celebrated at my mom's this year because my basement is in shambles because of the office being out of commission! She wanted a lady bug cake It turned out so cute! She had so much fun and was so excited!

May 19, 2010

Kiss them good bye!

I finally made it! I am walking again! I never in my life have been more grateful for anything! I am now to the stage where I am just in a boot for 6 more weeks. I hate this thing though it is hot and sweaty yuck! but it is so much better then hobbling around on crutches so I can't complain too much because I now can pick up and walk around with my baby!

The next step is orthotics then in about 4 weeks after I get those I have to go back in surgery and get the screw taken out. At least this is almost over! I just can't wait to get completely back to normal again!

May 10, 2010

Oh the basement!

I was cleaning the office I just happened to glance behind it to find a whole bunch of mold!! Needless to say we had to rip apart the whole office! It had gotten into the carpet and desk. Which we now have to replace. So nathan and my dad started to pull the sheet rock off. It turned out to be a leak in the foundation. which ran by the window so we also have to pull that out and replace all the framing of the wall and all around the window. What a mess it is still a work in progress!

April 21, 2010

2 weeks down!

So It has been 2 weeks and things are going okay. I get my stitches out on friday! I'm so excited just to soak in a bath, not being able to wash my foot two weeks I hate! I'm just trying to take everything one day at a time. After talking to the doctor last week reality set in! I have to be off it completely for 6 weeks then I can slowly start putting more and more weight on it. This is going to be the longest two months of my life for me and my mom! I going to have these crutches for a while. It is so hard not to be able to pick up my baby and carry her. I just have to keep telling myself one day at a time, one day at a time this will get easier!

April 2, 2010

If you got to do something do it right!

On Saturday I was chasing down the stairs with Caitlyn. I got to what I thought was the bottom stair and started walking normally. It turned out I wasn't at the bottom yet I had one more stair to go! I landed on my toes and bent them back and felt 2 pops! I yelled up to Nathan I need you I think I just broke my foot! It was 9:45 at night so after my grandma came to my house to stay with the girls we went to the ER (all instacares were closed at this time). So we get there and they took xrays of my foot. They came in told me I had a hair line fracture in the middle of my foot and that I need to go see a podiatrist next week. So I made a appointment for today. I go in and he looks at the xrays and says that (in a completely different place then what they said in the ER) I had broken a piece off the bone on the side of my foot and that the bones from big toe down were spread too far apart from the rest of my foot. Then he goes on to say I need surgery! They need to put a pin in my foot so I don't have even worse problems with it 5 years from now. What! I thought that all I had was a hairline fracture and now I need surgery! This sucks! So with in a week or so I have to go in for surgery and for 6 weeks I can't not walk on it! I don't know what I'm going to do I have 3 young children and 6 weeks of no walking that nearly impossible. I guess I'm going to have to actually let people help me! This is so hard for me! I guess this experience is suppose to teach me that I need others just as much as they need me!

This is the first time I have ever broken anything! So I guess if I'm going to do something I better do a great Job with it. The doctor said that if a professional athlete had gotten an injury of this type it could end his career!
Wish me luck as start on the next journey of my life!

March 26, 2010

Chargrilled chicken sandwich

The other day i was down stairs working on laundry when Caitlyn came and asked me if she could have her sandwich from last night. (wendy's kid meal chicken sandwich) So I told her yes and forgot about it. About 10 minutes later the smoke detector went off! I was thinking what is going on why is that going off! I raced up the stairs to find the microwave filled with smoke! I wasn't even thinking about her wanting it warmed up! Gotta love five year olds need for independence! But I stopped the microwave and opened it up to figure out what it was. After the smoke all escaped I found this.

I was very grateful to have smoke detector that day! I can't even imagine what would of happened! She had it set for like 30 minutes and it looked like this after 10! I felt like a great mom that day! :(
My house smelled like it for a week and my microwave still does to this day! But hey it still works!

March 24, 2010

Sleeping beauty

We've been have trouble with getting lydia to stay in bed when it is bed time. The other night Nathan came around the corner of the family room to find this!

He says to me do you think she is going to fall. So came around to see what he was talking about. She had sneaked down and sat on the stairs and fell asleep! We had a good laugh about this one there is no way she could of possibly been comfortable!

January 27, 2010

Something that I learned

I was talking to Nathan the other night. I was telling him how hard it was that through out my life I have had a lot of really close friends that seem to walk into my life when they needed me then when they didn't anymore move on and leave me behind. It has really bothered me and hurt me over the years. He looked at me with tears in his eyes ( because he was feeling the spirit) and said that is just what it is like to be a missionary. That was something that hit me hard. My patriarchal blessing popped into my head there is apart in it about me always being a missionary just by being who I am. Pondering on it more and being guided by the spirit I have come to terms with my prior relationships and the realization that some of them, I was just being a instrument in gods hands. I am so grateful to now realize what was happening and no longer hurt from being left behind. I truly have a love for those people who I have been there for and pray that the lord will continue to bless me with these friendships so that I can continue to grow and develop some of my talents.

I am so excited about the future that I have ahead of me. Oh yeah I am down 3 lbs from last week!

January 20, 2010

A New Begining

I am so grateful to start a new year! I have started a kind of journey with in myself trying to discover me. I don't think that I have ever really known who I am, the things I like and the things I don't, or even the things I really love to do. I've kinda always been a follower. I have liked what other people have liked and have made choices based on what I think others opinions will be. It had really brought me to a place in my life that I didn't like and I just kept going though bouts of depression. Really the only thing that I found in my life that I discovered and know is true for myself is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that is only thing that has kept me going though the last few years. .
I have been through a lot of soul searching lately, I mean a lot, thinking about myself and my life. It's kinda made me realize how important it is to live your own life and be your own individual person! To develop my own opinion on things and not fall back on someone else and actually caring about how I'm treated by others.
I've learned some of the reasons why I gained 60lbs (besides eating too much) over the last 7 years. I'm learning how to deal with stress better. And how to let new people into my life again. I have been trying to lose myself into the service of others in every way that I can. I am gaining confidence again and over coming my social anxiety that I developed when I started high school. I am learning not to internalize everything and bottle things up but to release it either by writing letters or talking to Nathan. (I do have to say that he is the greatest gift that i have ever been given in my life!)

Now that I have been thinking about a lot of things its time for me to start my changes. The first thing that I need to do is lose the unhealthy weight that I have put on over the last 7 years. I have started a new life style and been doing okay with it but it has only been three days so that really doesn't say much . I have started a new diet. Now I just need to work exercise into also. So I am going to start with that and let the other changes I need to make fall into place as I go along so that i can keep the weight off. I am just so grateful to have such a supportive husband who loves and cares for me no matter what. I love you Nathan!