May 31, 2010

Hard work!

We finally got my garden in the way I wanted it! We took down a bunch of trees in the corner of the yard. It took us a whole week to get it done but we got there! Now hopefully we get veggie!

This is what the corner looks like now tree less!

This is the pile of wood after we were done!

The next step is to rent a wood chipper and do our park strips!

May 25, 2010

Trip to St. George.

First we went to a graduation. Congrats Allen! He left polygamy and came to live with my mom for almost 2 years. She got him into school and on the right track. He went to live with his brothers at the end of his sophomore year and promised my mom he would stick to his schooling. He kept his promise and made it to graduation. This was awesome most boys that leave don't even go to school none the less actually graduate! WE were so proud of him! Way to go Allen. He'll be starting at Dixie college in the fall.

The next day we drove out to the grand canyon I wish I had pictures forgot my camera in the car Didn't want to walk all the way back because the ground was bumpy and kinda hurt my bad foot. But I will post picture when I get my copies from my mom.
It was just Caitlyn, Lydia, Anna, My mom, Sister Jessica and me that went but we sure had a blast!

Caitlyn's last dance show of the year!

We are very proud of Caitlyn she has improved some much this year! Good job my sweetie!

May 23, 2010

Lydia's 3rd Birthday!

We celebrated Lydie's birthday a little early this year on the Sunday before. We celebrated at my mom's this year because my basement is in shambles because of the office being out of commission! She wanted a lady bug cake It turned out so cute! She had so much fun and was so excited!

May 19, 2010

Kiss them good bye!

I finally made it! I am walking again! I never in my life have been more grateful for anything! I am now to the stage where I am just in a boot for 6 more weeks. I hate this thing though it is hot and sweaty yuck! but it is so much better then hobbling around on crutches so I can't complain too much because I now can pick up and walk around with my baby!

The next step is orthotics then in about 4 weeks after I get those I have to go back in surgery and get the screw taken out. At least this is almost over! I just can't wait to get completely back to normal again!

May 10, 2010

Oh the basement!

I was cleaning the office I just happened to glance behind it to find a whole bunch of mold!! Needless to say we had to rip apart the whole office! It had gotten into the carpet and desk. Which we now have to replace. So nathan and my dad started to pull the sheet rock off. It turned out to be a leak in the foundation. which ran by the window so we also have to pull that out and replace all the framing of the wall and all around the window. What a mess it is still a work in progress!